
Juni 2019
Foundation of branch office Frankfurt am Main

A branch of GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik Consult GmbH was founded in Frankfurt am Main in order to respond to the increasing demand of our customers in the Rhine/Main region. GuD is pleased to be able to offer its geotechnical and dynamic services here as well.  This office is managed by Dipl.-Ing. Florian Böhm.

Juli 2019
Silke Appel partner and managing director

Dr.-Ing. Silke Appel has become a partner in the GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik GmbH and has been appointed as shareholder.

26th - 27th September 2019
16th D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik, Innsbruck

Presentation: Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Alexander Tributsch
Title: Baudynamische Begleitung der Einrichtung eines Fitnessstudios in einem schwingungsanfälligen Altbau

22th - 26th September 2019
29th European Safety and Reliability Conference - ESREL 2019, Leibnitz Universität, Hannover

Presentation: Dr.-Ing. Patrick Arnold, Dr.- Ing. Fabian Kirsch, M.Sc. Gianluca Zorzi

Title: A reliability-based design and optimization procedure for offshore monopile foundations

17th September 2019
15th Hans Lorenz Symposium at the TU Berlin

Hans Lorenz Lecture: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurt-Michael Borchert
Title: Innerstädtische Gründungen über und neben bestehenden Verkehrsanlagen

Presentation: Dr.-Ing. Winfried Schepers, Dr.-Ing. Silke Appel
Title: Die statische Auslegung von Erschütterungsschutzmatten in der Praxis unter Berücksichtigung der Boden-Bauwerks-Interaktion

Presentation: Hannes Benke, M.Sc, Dr.-Ing. Ralf Glasenapp, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Rackwitz,
Dr.-Ing. Patrick Arnold

Title: Das Tiefeneinmischverfahren bei Sanden mit organischen Beimengungen

1st - 6th September 2019
The XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Reykjavik, Iceland

Presentation: M.Sc. Gianluca Zorzi, Dr.-Ing. Fabian Kirsch, Prof. Dr.-Ing Thomas Richter
Title: Validation of explicit method to predict accumulation of strain during single and multistage cyclic loading

Presentation: Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Nikolaus Schneider
Title: New Aspects of Quality Control for Jet Grouting

August 2019
Gründungsertüchtigung / Neugründungen im historischen, sensitiven Gefüge des Pergamonmuseums auf der Museumsinsel in Berlin-Mitte

Autoren: Dipl.-Ing. Josef A. Patron und Dipl.-Ing. Ralph Keller

Sonderdruck aus der Zeitschrift Geotechnik Heft 2/2019


10. August 2019
Alpencup 2019

The GuD-Soccer-Team took part again this year in the 16th Alpencup organized by kappes ipg GmbH and was successful: the team made it to the finals and finished second.

B2-Run Berlin 2019

16 GuD runners enjoyed the final spurt into the Olympic Stadium at the B2-Run in Berlin this year.

26 June 2019
3rd INFRASTAR Implementation Day

The 3rd Implementation Day is organised jointly with COWI in Copenhagen, Denmark



June 4, 2019
Baukammer Berlin

Presentation: Dipl.-Ing. Almuth Große
Title: Anwendung von Homogenbereichen

22. Mai 2019
Companies Run Berlin 2019

GuD started with a team of eight runners. The distance of 5.5 km led through the city center of Berlin with the homestretch towards the Brandenburger Tor.


February 18, 2019
Workshop "Stahlbetonschlitzwände im Kaimauerbau" - Hamburg Port Authority

Workshop at the Hamburg Port Authority

Presentation: Dr.-Ing. Olaf Stahlhut, Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Nikolaus Schneider

April 25, 2019
34th Christian Veder Kolloquium, Graz

Presentation: Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Nikolaus Schneider
Title: Stand der Technik und neue Entwicklungen zur online Bohrlochvermessung

12th - 13th March 2019
Erd- und Grundbautagung 2019, Potsdam

Presentation: Dipl.-Ing. Kerstin Deterding
Title: BAB A100, 16. BA: Ein neuer Autobahnabschnitt vom AD Neukölln bis zum Treptower Park in Berlin

13th - 14th February 2019
12th Tiefbaufachtagung VDEI in Dresden

Presentation: Dipl.-Ing. Kerstin Deterding
Title: ABS Oldenburg-Wilhelmshaven – Ausgewählte geotechnische Maßnahmen

January 24, 2019
Bauingenieur-Kolloquium WS 2018/19, TU Kaiserslautern

Presentation: Dipl.-Ing. Josef-A. Patron
Title: Gründungsertüchtigungen / Neugründungen im historischen sensitiven Gefüge des Pergamonmuseums auf der Museumsinsel in Berlin-Mitte

November 9, 2018
China Shanghai 2018 Urban Underground Complex Forum

Presentation: M.Sc. Emmanuel Paraire
Title: Effects of underground urban rail traffic on buildings: Case studies in Beijing, China

Presentation: Univ. -Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stavros Savidis
Title: Geotechnical and Environmental Considerations in Planning and Construction of the Transportation Infrastructure in the Centre of Berlin


November 8, 2018
2018 Sino-Euro Modern Tram Innovation Dialogue, Shanghai

Presentation: Univ. -Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stavros Savidis, M.Sc. Emmanuel Paraire
Title: Vibration and secondary airborne noise immissions due to tram traffic

October 12, 2018
2. Implementation Day, Forschungsvorhaben INFRASTAR

In October 2018 the 2nd Implementation Day of the INFRASTAR research project took place at Eiffage in Paris, France. GuD was represented by the research fellow Gianluca Zorzi and his technical director Dr. Fabian Kirsch. Within the scope of the research project, new methods for the evaluation of fatigue and deformation accumulation of cyclically and dynamically loaded structures are being researched. The project is funded by the EU with approx. 3 Mio € and has a duration of 3 years.