
12. + 13. September 2023
Fachsektionstage der DGGT, Würzburg

Auf der diesjährigen Fachsektionstagung der DGGT in Würzburg zeigte unsere Kollegin Sigrid Wilhelm Methoden auf, mit denen geläufige empirische Korrelationen als Vorwissen mit im Bauvorhaben gewonnenen Erkenntnissen statistisch abgesichert aktualisiert werden können. Wer mehr zu diesen Methoden erfahren bzw. diese gern anwenden möchte, den verweisen wir gern auf den Konferenzbeitrag. Gern können Sie uns bei Rückfragen auch direkt kontaktieren.

Wie diese Methoden zur Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten in der Bewertung geotechnischer Bauwerke genutzt werden können, zeigen wir als Co-Autoren des aktuellen Strukturpapiers des DGGT-Arbeitskreises 2.15 in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Geotechnik auf.

Sigrid Wilhelm

August 2023
Baugrube Verbindungsbauwerk zwischen Bode- und Pergamonmuseum

Als Teil des lange geplanten Masterplans Museumsinsel Berlin wurde im Frühjahr 2022 mit den Arbeiten für das unterirdische Verbindungsbauwerk zwischen Bode- und Pergamonmuseum begonnen. Diese Verbindung ist Teil der sogenannten „Archäologischen Promenade“, welche nach Fertigstellung – bis auf die Alte Nationalgalerie – alle Museen der Museumsinsel unterirdisch miteinander verbindet. GuD wurde mit der Objekt- und Tragwerksplanung der Baugrube für das Verbindungsbauwerk beauftragt.

Die Museumsinsel blickt auf eine lange Bebauungsgeschichte zurück. Nach Trockenlegung des Sumpfgebietes diente das Umfeld der Museumsinsel als Gartenanlage, Stadtbefestigung, Exerzierplatz sowie Hafenanlagen mit Lagerhäusern. Entlang der Baugrube verlief Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts ein Stichkanal zur Andienung der Lagerhäuser. Nach dieser Nutzung wurde 1880 mit dem Bau der Stadtbahnlinie begonnen, welche die Museumsinsel in einem Viadukt überspannt. Zu beiden Seiten wurde im Anschluss mit dem heutigen Bode- und Pergamonmuseum begonnen. Schon zur damaligen Zeit stellten die tiefen Einlagerungen von organischen Böden die Planer vor große Probleme, sodass man sich für tiefe Flachgründungen in offener Bauweise entschied.

Im Zuge der Baugrubenherstellungen wurden die historischen Bauwerksreste der letzten 150 Jahre wieder angetroffen, was die Ausführung zu einer besonderen Herausforderung machte. Die Kaimauer des Stichkanals, die Bahnpfeiler des ersten Bahnviadukts sowie eine Vielzahl von Holzspundwänden wurden wiederentdeckt. Auch die unmittelbare Nähe zu den Bahnpfeilern verlangte bei der Ausführung besondere Vorsicht, da die darüber verlaufende S-Bahn sowie Fernbahn weiterhin in Betrieb war und nur minimale Verformungen der Stützpfeiler zulässig waren. Im Schutze von eingepressten Spundwänden und einer mittelhochliegenden Dichtsohle konnte der Aushub erfolgen. Trotz der Baugrubentiefe von bis zu 7,0 m unter Geländeoberkante liegt die Baugrube vollständig in verschiedenen Lagen von historischen Auffüllungen. Dies machte die Baugrube für Archäologen besonders spannend, für die Baugrubenherstellung stellte dies jedoch eine besondere Herausforderung dar.

Im August 2023 wurde die Baugrube für die Rohbauarbeiten übergeben, sodass nun die Errichtung des Verbindungstunnels im Schutze der Baugrube erfolgen kann. 

Baugrube Verbindungsbauwerk



07. Juli 2023
GuD-Beachvolleyball-Cup 2023

Eine junge Tradition: Der GuD-Beachvolleyball-Cup, der 2022 zum ersten Mal von GuD ausgerichtet wurde, fand auch in diesem Jahr wieder statt.

Bei hochsommerlichen Temperaturen kämpften 8 Mixed-Teams von GuD, CRP, GSE und WTM um den Sieg. Lautstarke Unterstützung aus den jeweiligen Fanblöcken sorgte für gute Stimmung am Spielfeldrand und nebenbei war Zeit für ein wenig fachliches Networking und interessante Gespräche. Die angenehme Atmosphäre in der Beachvolleyballanlage East61 in Berlin Schöneberg hat allen Beteiligten gefallen!

Wir bedanken uns bei den Kolleginnen und Kollegen von GSE Ingenieur-Gesellschaft mbHWTM Engineers GmbH und CRP Bauingenieure GmbH für die engagierte Teilnahme und freuen uns auf den nächsten GuD-Beachvolleyball-Cup 2024!


02. Juli 2023
GuD-Betriebsausflug nach Leipzig

Unser diesjähriger GuD-Betriebsausflug zusammen mit unseren Verbundunternehmen BBI Hamburg und GSP Mannheim fand in Leipzig statt. Spaß und Inspiration holten wir uns beim Drachenbootfahren auf dem Karl-Heine-Kanal, der Führung im Bergbau-Technik-Park am Störmthaler See, bei einer Stadtrundfahrt und bei zwei thematische Stadtführungen „Populäre sächsische Irrtümer“ und „Architektur und Bauen in der DDR“. Unser gemeinsamer Abend im Salles de Pologne mit kulinarischen Highlights und Partystimmung bleibt uns in Erinnerung.


1 June 2023
Milestone in Frankfurt

The final excavation of the building pit for the "Niedenau 84" construction project in Frankfurt's prime inner city location has been completed. GuD prepared the design and implementation planning for this challenging excavation pit and supervised the execution of the special civil engineering work. We would like to thank the project team for the cooperative collaboration and look forward to the next exciting tasks in the Frankfurt area!

Erdaushub Niedenau

16 + 17 May 2023
"Construction of Offshore Wind Farms" Conference, Gdynia

GuD Offshore Wind Polska Sp.zo.o. was represented with several contributions at the "Construction of Offshore Wind Farms" conference in Gdansk. This conference is a new event where representatives from all sides of the investment process share their knowledge, be it in consultations, debates or one-on-one discussions behind the scenes. The aim is to significantly accelerate the energy transition, i.e. the achievement of the planned climate neutrality targets and the reduction of CO2 emissions.

We are pleased to be part of the energy transition in Poland as well.

You can find out more here:

 Conference - Construction of Offshore Wind Farms

Windfram Conference Gdansk


12th May 2023
MSc-thesis award 2022 for Sigrid Wilhelm

It is a pleasure to announce, that our colleague Sigrid Wilhelm received the best MSc-thesis award 2022 from the Berlin Chambers of Civil Engineers and Construction for her work on: “Investigation on the influence of model uncertainty in the transformation of geotechnical data for monopile foundations”. This distinguished award recognizes Sigrid’s outstanding work, which combined geotechnics with the complex topics of reliability-based design methods and geostatistics and provided besides the scientific findings well needed results of high practical relevance. Results of her work Sigrid will present on this years Fachsektionstagen Geotechnik 2023 Fachsektionstagen Geotechnik 2023.

Baukammerpreis Sigrid Wilhelm

13 + 14 April 2023
Christian Veder Colloquium, Graz University of Technology

As foundation surveyors and specialist planners for geotechnical engineering with a focus on inner-city areas, we are confronted with historical building foundations in many projects. At this year's Christian Veder Colloquium in Graz, our colleagues Josef Patron, Bert Schädlich and Fabian Remspecher presented the Pergamon Museum in Berlin as an example of the challenges that arise from the conflicting priorities of careful treatment of the historic building fabric, the high demands of contemporary building use and the imponderables of the building ground.

We would like to thank the organisers from Graz University of Technology for the opportunity to present our work, our colleagues for the exciting discussions and look forward to next year's colloquium!


GuD bei Christian Veder Kolloquium
2nd March 2023
"Sustainability in Earthworks" at the 18th Earthworks Conference in Leipzig

The topic of sustainability in relation to energy requirements and ecological interventions is increasingly determining our work as geotechnical planners. It is therefore all the more important to define comprehensible criteria that make it possible to assess the sustainability of certain construction methods and the overall sustainability of a construction project. We are taking up this challenge and testing the practicability of various sustainability criteria in our geotechnical planning projects as part of our internal development.

At the 18th Earthworks Conference on "Sustainability in Earthworks, Foundation Engineering and Hydraulic Engineering" in Leipzig, our colleague Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Römer presented our status on the planning consideration of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in earthworks and road construction. Co-authors were Dr.-Ing. Fabian Kirsch and Dr.-Ing. Olaf Stahlhut. 

Many thanks to the Bauakademie Sachsen for the excellent organisation and the numerous participants for the interesting lectures and discussions!

Dipl.-Ing Matthias Römer

March 2023
Excursion to the Merkers mine

After a quick descent by lift (8m/second), we arrived at a depth of 500m. Underground, the temperatures ranged from 20 degrees to 28 degrees, depending on the depth. With open vehicles and humorous narrations by the drivers, we visited spectacular places such as the salt cave at a depth of 800 m, the concert hall with an impressive laser show, the museum and the gold room. After the three-hour tour, we drove to Fulda and ended this beautiful day with delicious pasta at the Italian restaurant "Basta e Pasta".

Bergwerk Merkers

Februar 2023
Ecosia Suchmaschine

Who knows it? The search engine, ECOSIA, that plants trees? By using Ecosia, we at GuD support the planting of trees. Thanks to more than 6,000 search queries so far, GuD has planted a total of 123 new TREES on the planet. A small contribution to sustainability with a big effect :-)
We'll keep going!
Find out more about Ecosia and the projects in more than 35 countries here:

ECOSIA search engine

ECOSIA Suchmaschine

16 + 17th February 2023
Pile Symposium at the TU Braunschweig

The Institute for Geomechanics and Geotechnics organises the Pile Symposium at the TU Braunschweig every two years. It was attended by 340 managers and employees from engineering offices, industry, authorities, research institutions.

Our colleague Fabian Remspecher was honoured as FRANKIGNOUL laureate 2021. Congratulations again for this prestigious award.

There were many presentations on exciting and innovative topics.

The GuD-Group was present with three lectures:

Nikolaus Schneider (GuD): "Pile Inspector, a new development for the inspection of pile toe expansions",
Olaf Stahlhut (BBI): "Conceptual design of individual pile and group test loads considering best-estimate values based on instrumented test loads".
Matthias Schallert (GSP): "Dynamic test loads with very heavy drop masses". GSP was represented with an exhibition stand.
The next pile symposium is scheduled for February 2025. We will be there and are already looking forward to it.


Nikolaus Schneider

1st January 2023
GSP new in the GuD Group of Companies!

Since January 2023, the Mannheim-based GSP (Gesellschaft für Schwingungsuntersuchungen und dynamische Prüfmethoden mbH - Engineering Consultants for Vibration Analysis and Dynamic Testing Methods ), founded by Dr.-Ing. Oswald Klingmüller in 1991, has been part of the GuD group of companies. The entry of GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik Consult GmbH ensured the continued existence and continuity of the services of GSP, which has been operating successfully for over 30 years, after the retirement of the company's founder.

GSP's fields of activity include dynamic pile testing at home and abroad (onshore and offshore) as well as vibration measurements in the field of immission control and structural dynamic calculations.

GSP is the representative of Pile Dynamics, Inc., Cleveland, USA, the world's leading manufacturer of measurement technology, hardware and software for dynamic pile testing, for the German-speaking European countries as well as for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

Dr.-Ing. Matthias Schallert heads the "Pile Integrity Testing" working group of AK 2.1 "Piles" of the German Geotechnical Society (DGGT) and is a member of the DIN Standards Committee for Civil Engineering. (NABau) NA 005-05-07 AA "Subsoil, piles". AK 2.1 is responsible for the publication of the 
"Recommendations of the Piles Working Group" (EA-Pfähle).

GuD and GSP are looking forward to working together!

Geschäftsführung GSP Mannheim
Managing directors GSP: Matthias Schallert, Silke Appel, Christian Mayer
7th December 2022
GuD Christmas bazaar

At this year's GuD Christmas bazaar, in addition to mulled wine, delicious sausages and sweet crêpes, there were once again beautiful Christmas trees for all employees. The trees were expertly examined, measured and selected so that in the end everyone could take home a suitable tree. This is a fairly new GuD tradition, which originated during the Corona period and is now being continued!

GuD Weihnachtsbasar


5th November 2022

True to the motto: "You've only really been where you've been walking". (JWvG), some GuD colleagues set off early on Saturday for a big hike, with a choice of 30 or 55 km. The 30 km group walked clockwise around the Müggelsee lake at a light pace and in good spirits. With the best hiking weather, lots of cake and good conversation along the way, the finish line was crossed after about 7 hours and the day was evaluated at sunset. For the 55 km group, the focus at this point was still on getting around. In addition to the beautiful lake and river landscape, we were also able to catch a glimpse of the new Tesla factory - through a cutting in the primeval forest of Brandenburg - as the loop led right up to the Berlin ring road. After about 48 km, the climb to the Müggelturm was on the agenda once again. After about 12.5 hours, the last riders finished and were able to put their feet up.

GuD Team bei Mammutmarsch

5th-7th October 2022
37th Baugrundtagung in Wiesbaden

GuD will again be represented at this year's Baugrundtagung with an exhibition stand.
We look forward to your visit.

Furthermore, GuD is involved in the following technical lectures:

Lecture: Dr.-Ing. Antje Müller-Kirchenbauer, Dr.-Ing. Fabian Kirsch, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Moormann, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Voigt
Title: Nachhaltigkeit in der Geotechnik – Herausforderungen und Perspektiven

Lecture: Dr. Patrick Arnold, Dr.-Ing. Fabian Kirsch, Sascha Kuske M.Sc., Sigrid Wilhelm B.Sc.
Title: Zur Anwendung probabilistischer Methoden zur Planung von Gründungsstrukturen für Offshore-Windparks am Beispiel von Monopfahlgründungen

Lecture: Dr.-Ing. Simon Meißner, M. Eng. Maximilian Kies, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Richter, Dipl.-Ing. Bianca Prohl
Title: Hochhaus MYND – Komplexer Spezialtiefbau in einem Bestandsgebäude

Lecture: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurt-Michael Borchert, Dr.-Ing. Jörg Franke, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Katzenbach, Dr.-Ing Hatice Kaya-Sandt, Dr.-Ing. Karl Morgen
Title: Bemessung der Pfahlgründung für den Elbtower

15th September 2022
16th Hans Lorenz Symposium, Technical University Berlin

Symposium at the Institut für Bauingenieurwesen Grundbau und Bodenmechanik

Lecture: Dr.-Ing. Silke Appel, Dennis Kulke M.Sc.
Title: Grundlagenermittlung zur Errichtung hochempfindlicher Laborgebäude - Erfassung von Baugrundschwingungen in großen Tiefen

Lecture: Dr. techn. Bert Schädlich, Dipl.-Ing. Hans L. Hebener
Title: Baugrubensicherung und Gebäudegründung am Leipziger Platz mit Überbauung eines S-Bahntunnel

Lecture: Dr.-Ing. Winfried Schepers (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin) mit Dennis Kulke M.Sc.
Title: Drucksondierungen und dynamische Bodeneigenschaften


August 2022
Summer Workshop Syncore

Productive summer workshop in Bremen for the Projekt SynCore together with Fraunhofer IWES, ther Universität Bremen and Fraunhofer ITWM.

We are pleased that we are one step closer to our goal - the derivation of geotechnical foundation data from seismic inversion and geostatistical data integration - and that the foundations for reliability-based planning and optimisation of mono-pile foundations for offshore wind turbines are growing steadily. It remains exciting to see where the journey will take us...

August 2022
Vibration control tests at Ritterstraße

How do you isolate an inner-city building from vibrations from the underground tunnel running underneath? The GuD planning team faced this complex challenge in the construction of a new commercial building in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

The new building at Ritterstraße 16-18 is supported by a steel grid so that the underground running underneath is not stressed. The bearing of the grating on the foundation elements, as well as the entire building foundation, had to be designed in such a way that the vibrations from the underground are not carried into the new building.

Based on structural dynamic FE models, GuD dimensioned the bearing on elastomer mats from Getzner. In the control measurements on the now almost completed building, the high effectiveness of the elastic building support could be proven. This means that nothing stands in the way of using the new building without disturbing influences from the underground traffic.

We are pleased to have been involved in this exciting engineering task and hope that the users will enjoy the new building!


2nd June 2022
Baukammer Award 2021

Die Baukammer Berlin awarded a total of 15 prizes for outstanding Bachelor's and Master's theses. The group master's thesis by our employee Michelle Döbber and our former student trainee Björn Bodner on the influence of organic soil components on cement hydration in soil improvements was awarded an outstanding 2nd place.